Hanna and Erik’s special day took place on August 19th, 2023. The summer had been very cold with a lot of rain but on this day the weather was perfect, and the sun was shining.

I joined their wedding day as we met up at Gustaf Adolfs Church and there was a lot of anticipation in the air. As the bride and groom walked down the aisle together there was no holding back the tears any longer, they were just perfect!

After the ceremony friends and family joined together to congratulate the happy couple, throwing rose petals in the air. A bus picked the guests up and dropped them of at Strandvägen, where a private boat was waiting to take them to Fjäderholmarna.

Upon arriving at the island, me and the bride and groom sneaked away to capture stunning portraits in the sunset. The dinner was set at the beautiful banquet hall Magasinet, with astonishing views of the glistening water.

As I said goodbye to the couple, I realized how much I will miss them. In this short period of time, they made me feel like family, and their warmth was truly the focal point of the night.